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发布时间:2016/6/6 15:54:53  点击次数:8272




马汀令可公司将于2016627-28日在上海举办EHS 应急管理*佳实践的培训活动。







* 了解应急管理的相关法律法规和其他要求的框架及重要内容;

* 掌握应急预案编制的步骤;

* 掌握应急风险评估;

* 熟悉应急管理要素的各部分内容;

* 熟悉应急指挥系统;

* 掌握应急演练方式并能组织策划应急演练;

* 识别公司应急管理中不足之处;

* 帮助公司编制或者完善应急预案。


* 应急管理简介;

* 应急管理相关法律、法规、规章、指南等;

* 应急预案策划

* 应急管理要素;

* 事件指挥;

* 应急预案编制和实施;

* EHS 人员在危机管理中的作用。


* 化学

* 油类(石油,油脂等)

* 金属制造

* 汽车制造

* 机械制造

* 制药

* IT 制造

* 建筑

* 一般制造企业


* EHS经理/主管/团队领导人


* EHS/工程工程师





请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能:

电话:+86 28 8532 7678



Vickey Wang

Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

T: +86 28 8532 7678








   EHS Emergency Management Best Practices

Shanghai, China

27th&28th June 2016


MARTIN LINKING is convening the EHS Emergency Management Best Practiceson 27th&28th June 2016 in Shanghai.

Seminar overview:

Each enterprise is facing emergencies may include fire, explosion, chemical spills, bad weather, fall, electricshock, earthquakes, riots, data loss, etc. Each accident happens every year in each place. Experiences tell us again and again we urgently need to establish an effective emergency management system in order to cope with all possible emergencies.

Seminar objective:

Emergency management is to quickly and effectively deal with the possibility of accident disaster, and control or reduce the consequences of its influence, and a series of planned and organized management, including prevention (ease), preparation, response, and recovery.

This course according to enterprise demand for emergency management, integrated into the related regulations,guidelines and practice both at home and abroad, will help enterprise which hope to establish or improve the its emergency management system, provide security assurance for enterprise sustainable operation through effective emergency management.

What you will learn from the seminar?

* Understand the framework and the important content of relevant laws and

regulations and other requirements of emergency management;

* Master steps to develop emergency plan;

* Master emergency risk assessment;

* Be familiar with each part of emergency management elements;

* Be familiar with the emergency command system;

* Master the drill way and can organize emergency drills;

* Recognition emergency management deficiencies in the company;

* Help the company make or improve the emergency plan.

Seminar Content:

* Introduction of emergency management

* Emergency management related laws, regulations, rules, guidelines, etc

* Emergency planning

* Emergency management elements:

* Incident command

* Emergency plan compiling and implementation

* EHS staff role in crisis management

Industries for this seminar:

* Chemical

* Oil

* Metal Manufacturers

* Auto manufacturers

* Machinery manufacturers

* Pharmaceutical

* IT manufacturers

* Builders

* General manufacturing enterprises

Who should attend?

* EHS managers/supervisors/team leaders

* Plant managers, facility managers or engineers, equipment maintenance managers

* EHS/engineering engineers

In-House Training Solutions

If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements.

Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@martinlinking.net to discuss further possibilities.


Vickey Wang

Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

T: +86 28 8532 7678
E: vickey.wang@linkingu.com


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