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产品关键词:五氧化二钒 三步法 片钒 反射炉
  • 产品名称:三步法(干燥、脱氨、熔融制片)——更节能、回收率更高的五氧化二钒片剂制备方法
  • 产品编号:HS-V010
  • 产品商标:斯德
  • 产品规格:大型
  • 参考价格:面议
  • 更新时间:2022/5/26 9:07:24
  • 点击次数:5427次





Development of Production Equipment for Vanadium Oxide Flakes

by Means of Fluidization

Chen donghui1,Shi lixin2

(Vanadium & Titanium Research Center in Chengde Steel of Hebei Iron & Steel Group ,

Chengde City , Hebei Province 067002)

 Abstract: The paper presents a totally new production system for flake V2O5 by means of fluidization, in which the three steps i.e. dehydration, deamination and fusion of ammonium vanadate are done efficiently by fluidization function equipment of flash evaporation, flash roasting and flash smelting respectively, while the heat energy and the fluid gas or solid combine the three sets of facility into one unit.  The whole system holds all the characteristics of the modern equipment such as environment protection, clean production, energy gradient utilization and omnirange automatic control etc. Compared with the existing main stream processes in the country, the process can reduce the process energy loss by 30%, increase the recovery rate of metal vanadium by 3—4% and make the technology with the indexes the leading level within the same industry in the world.

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