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产品关键词:海沙洗砂机 风火轮洗砂机 翻斗洗砂机 轮钭洗砂机
  • 产品名称:轮钭洗砂机翻斗洗沙机海沙洗砂机风火轮洗砂机采沙场洗砂机
  • 产品编号:026
  • 产品商标:正罡
  • 产品规格:XLD2600
  • 参考价格:面议
  • 更新时间:2021/1/28 14:24:05
  • 点击次数:1276次


我是这个行业的销售新人,我也热爱销售。此工作将是我未来十年赖以生存的根基,我没有华丽的语言和精修的图片展现给您。同行业的同产品大家的说明书都是大差不差,无非就是谁的软文好谁的照片够吸引人。在此真诚的建议您一定要到厂家考察。我不愿意说自己的机器比谁谁的好,或者是排名第几。因为古语说水满则溢,月盈则亏。科技的进步是日新月异,地球的变化是瞬息万变。终其一生我们只为追求给客户带来便捷省心实用的购物体验,我们唯有谦卑努力学习提升自己产品感恩公司提供的平台。每台机器都是凝聚着我们的辛勤劳作和对美好生活的向往。 责任成就质量,细节关乎品质。看不见的生产过程,看得到的产品品质。从原材料的选购质检到精细的焊接组装,每一个环节,我们都用效率和品质填充。从一个零部件的精益制造,到一个螺栓的加固处理,再到产品投放市场前的性能测试,每一台产品,我们都用科学严谨的生产标准严格把控,确保产品材质可靠,品质过硬。    





If you are purchasing such a large product, give you some loyal advice. Please be sure to visit the manufacturer on site, if conditions permit, you can go to the machine to use the site to see. Because in the manufacturing process of mining machines, the specifications of steel and the configuration of parts and components determine the loss and service life of the machine. Do n’t bother with the choice of large and small factories, because the drawings of the machines are the same, the difference is that the materials are different. When ordering the contract, be sure to write the specifications and models of the steel and parts. What else needs to be configured by yourself, such as electric cabinet motors, etc. Some are not provided to you unless you say the manufacturer. There was no such thing at that time, and that one needed to be equipped by yourself. In this way, both time and economic benefits are delayed, and all follow-up. If you see our advertisement, sincerely hope you give me a chance, we are a lifetime maintenance of the transaction. I was a newcomer shortly after I arrived in the mining industry. I didn't have a good sales channel. I wrote these in the perspective of exchanging positions.
Choose Zhengzhou Zhenggang machine, we are a lifetime maintenance
I am a newcomer in this industry and I also love sales. This work will be the foundation of my future survival. I don't have gorgeous language and refined pictures to show you. Everyone's manual of the same product in the same industry is not bad. It is nothing more than who's soft text and who's photo is attractive enough. I sincerely suggest that you must visit the manufacturer. I don't want to say that my machine is better than anyone's or who is ranked number one. Because the old saying is that when the water is full, it will overflow, and the monthly profit will be a loss. The progress of science and technology is changing with each passing day, and the changes of the earth are changing rapidly. Throughout our lives, we are only pursuing a convenient, worry-free and practical shopping experience for our customers. We can only humble and study hard to improve our products, and we are grateful for the platform provided by the company. Each machine embodies our hard work and yearning for a better life. Responsibility creates quality, and details are related to quality. Invisible production process, seeable product quality. From the quality inspection of raw material purchase to the elaborate welding and assembly, we fill with every aspect with efficiency and quality. From the lean manufacturing of a component, to the reinforcement treatment of a bolt, to the performance test before the product is put on the market, we strictly control each product with scientific and rigorous production standards to ensure that the product material is reliable and the quality is excellent.
    We use ingenuity to improve the manufacturing process, and use the market to check the quality of our products. Each one is our sincere work.

  Thanks to the major platforms, and the company for the work I have given me. Technology is prosperous, culture is luxuriant, city is prosperous, thank you for meeting such a beautiful era, rush, express yourself, embrace the world, let us follow the dream of youth in the long river of history! ! ! !



Shopping tips:
1. First of all, we must identify the regular and large-scale manufacturers, and identify the regular manufacturers to avoid the chance of being cheated.
2. Never trust manufacturers with lower prices. You can consult multiple manufacturers, and then find a few with similar quotations. Do not choose those with too many or too few quotations.
3. When you determine that two or three manufacturers must visit the manufacturers on site.
4. After the inspection, the customer site must be inspected.
5. After identifying a good manufacturer, such after-sales service is also guaranteed.
6. Be sure to pay attention to the word games in the contract, etc.

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