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产品关键词:塑胶跑道挤出机 预制型跑道 片材挤出机 跑道片材挤出机
  • 产品名称:塑胶跑道片材生产线_跑道生产线厂家_跑道生产线价格
  • 产品编号:999
  • 产品商标:玖德隆机械
  • 产品规格:加工定制
  • 参考价格:1000000
  • 更新时间:2018/6/21 11:59:01
  • 点击次数:470次



The plastic runway has a history of more than 30 years in our country. It is divided into plastic, mixed and granular types, consisting mainly of the surface layer and the base layer, and the thickness is generally 13mm.The surface layer of the plastic raceway is composed of pouring polyurethane (RCPU) and anti-skid (EPDM or rccpu). The cost of RCPU is high, so the runway cost is high.The mixed plastic runway USES rccpu as the main material, and 10% ~ 25% of the waste tyre rubber is added, and the upper part of the anti-skid rubber is lower than the plastic runway.Particles type plastic runway by waste tires colloidal particles (60% ~ 70%) as the main material, adhesive for RCPU, the ping method construction, lowest cost, but the construction of per, spraying colloidal particles need to import plastic package machine laying equipment, one-time investment is high, and the performance of the previous two differentia.At present, the domestic plastic runway is mainly mixed.All kinds of plastic racetracks should be bonded with the asphalt pement foundation, the basic cost is generally 80 ~ 120 yuan ·m-2, the total cost of plastic runway is generally 230 ~ 450 yuan ·m-2.Although the plastic runway is flexible and beautiful, it can improve the performance of athletes and protect athletes from accidental injuries, but it is expensive and has not been widely used.


Specification: thickness: 13mm, material: EPDM plastic granule, optional color: red, green as the main color.It can solve the problems caused by the foundation structure and shrinkage and heat expansion;High permeability;Design of EPDM materials and all kinds of marks;Rich elasticity to reduce sports injury;Durable and durable, cold and cold resistance is its characteristic.Plastic runway is composed of polyurethane material such as rubber, he certain elasticity and color, he a certain ability to resist ultriolet ray and aging resistance force is internationally recognized as the best all-weather outdoor sports ground floor material.


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