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产品关键词:意大利AMI多路阀 整体式多路阀 进口多路阀| 
  • 产品名称:多路阀|整体式多路阀|分体式多路阀
  • 产品编号:AMI
  • 产品商标:
  • 产品规格:1
  • 参考价格:面议
  • 更新时间:2024/6/12 14:03:28
  • 点击次数:1878次

意大利AMI液压阀广泛应用于建筑工程机械、建筑机械、钻探机械、农林机械、船舶甲板机械、自动化设备、工业流水线装置等。Oleodinamica AMI was established in Imola in 1959 as a manufacturer of oil-hydraulic cylinders and a few years later began to specialize in the production of oil-hydraulic control valves. The company makes use of the most advanced technology and is committed to achieving high quality, highly functional products, as well as customer satisfaction. All of which has led its growth and current status as a market leader. With the sound skills it has acquired during 50 years of business, Oleodinamica AMI continues to set itself ever more significant targets. The company is also flexible and dynamic enough to adapt to the demands of a market that is constantly evolving and expanding.

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