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产品关键词:恒功率电伴热带  电伴热带  国际标准电伴热带  厂家生产电伴热带
  • 产品名称:厂家批量生产三相恒功率电伴热带
  • 产品编号:
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  • 产品规格:应要求
  • 参考价格:面议
  • 更新时间:2010/7/29 10:34:17
  • 点击次数:590次


The feature of three phase cable is similar to that of single phase cable. The difference is that supply of the power is single-phase or three-phase. Three-phase heating cable owns the characteristic of single-phase heating cable, meanwhile It is specially applied in heating and temperature-maintenance for long-distance and big-diameter pipe. It is suitable to be used in ordinary and hazlo c areas.


The tree parallel bus wries supply voitage a long the entire length of the heating cabe.A resistance wire heating element is spirally wraped around inner insulation contacting alternate bus wire(AB-BC-AC-AB……)at specific intervals forming heating zone.


产品特点 Production characteristic

FDP3-J3 型三相电热带除具有和FDP2型单相电热带相同的特点以外,还有以下优点:




Compared to single-phase heating cable (FDP2), three-phase heating cable (FDP3) has the characteristics FDP2 has, it also has below advantages:

a. The max allowed length of three-phase heating cable is greater than that of single-phase heating cable.

b. It helps to relieve the electricity load in large-scale heating cable applicable net.

c. Due to three bus wires are in the FDP3, The heating cable is more flat and increase transfer heat areas and energy efficiency. Strengthen range is that ordinary rang add a oversheath and high strength mechanical and corrosive-proof feature.


■ 应用场合Applications


FDP3 型三相恒功率电热带与FDP2型单相恒功率电热带一样,能用于解决管道和阀门等的防冻和保温。但是,当在长距离、大口径管道进行伴热保温时,采用三相带比单相带更经济、更合理、更能显示使用三相带的优越型。

FDP3 three-phase constant watt heating cable provides frozen-prevention and temperature-maintenance of pipelines and valves which is same for FDP2 single-phase constant watt heating cable. However, when applied to long-distance and big-diameter pipes, using of three-phase heating cable is more economic and reasonable and showing more advantage. 

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